Phi Sig Loyal Sister Program
In The Creed of Phi Sigma Sigma, we all commit to lifelong friendships, making the most of educational opportunities throughout our lives, and a belief in the perpetuity of Phi Sigma Sigma. These beliefs go well beyond our collegiate years and require strong support from our alumnae.
Today, as an alumna, you can show your continuing support for Phi Sigma Sigma in many ways, such as volunteerism. You can also do so in one very specific and easy way - a contribution of just $50 toward our Phi Sig Loyal Sister Program.
What is the Loyal Sister Program?
The Phi Sig Loyal Sister Program gives alumnae members in good standing the opportunity to proclaim they remain as committed to the vision of our Fraternity today as they did in college.
Through their $50 annual payment, sisters have the satisfaction of knowing they have contributed to a wide-range of important programs, including those benefiting our youngest leaders and alumnae groups across North America. You will become part of our “dues paying” alumnae base, earning special thank you tokens of appreciation as well as privileges for voting at our biennial Convention, which helps determine the future of our organization.
Most importantly, participating in the Loyal Sister Program tells the world you believe in our credo, “Once a Phi Sigma Sigma, Always a Phi Sigma Sigma.”
What does my $50 specifically benefit?
Your contribution to the Phi Sig Loyal Sister Program helps make the entire organization even stronger.
In recent years, Phi Sigma Sigma has made significant investments in initiatives alumnae have told us they care most about, like communications and greater opportunities to participate at every age and every stage of life (whether at alumnae events or through interesting, rewarding volunteerism projects). What’s more, Phi Sig alumnae groups are growing throughout North America – a trend we expect to increase.
Your gift of $50 helps with these and other great programs that directly impact Phi Sigma Sigma’s success!
How can I participate?
It’s easy to contribute your $50 dues:
- Log into the secure part of our website to make your payment by clicking here,
- If it’s easier, you’re welcome to call our Headquarters directly at 410-799-1224, and we’ll be glad to assist you personally.
- If you prefer to pay by check or money orders, please send it to Phi Sigma Sigma, 1213 Liberty Road, Suite J 335, Eldersburg, MD 21784. Please be sure to include in the memo that it is for alumnae dues.
As you make your contribution, you’ll join the ranks of hundreds of alumnae who have contributed to the Loyal Sister Program and know you're helping to make a difference for our sisterhood now and in years to come.